Users guide


To find requirements or constraints specifications for cliff:

$ beagle search --file '(.*requirement.*|.*constraint.*|setup.cfg|tox.ini)' 'cliff[><=]'

| Repository            | Filename                                                   | Line | Text                               |
| group-based-policy    | test-requirements.txt                                      |   20 | cliff>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0          |
| kolla-kubernetes      | requirements.txt                                           |    6 | cliff>=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0          |
| networking-bigswitch  | test-requirements.txt                                      |    8 | cliff>=1.7.0  # Apache-2.0         |
| networking-brocade    | test-requirements.txt                                      |    6 | cliff>=1.14.0  # Apache-2.0        |
| networking-mlnx       | test-requirements.txt                                      |    6 | cliff>=1.15.0 # Apache-2.0         |
| networking-plumgrid   | test-requirements.txt                                      |    3 | cliff>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0          |
| osops-tools-contrib   | ansible_requirements.txt                                   |    5 | cliff==2.2.0                       |
| paunch                | requirements.txt                                           |    7 | cliff>=2.6.0  # Apache-2.0         |
| rally                 | upper-constraints.txt                                      |   68 | cliff===2.11.0                     |
| requirements          | global-requirements.txt                                    |   21 | cliff>=2.8.0,!=2.9.0  # Apache-2.0 |
| requirements          | openstack_requirements/tests/files/gr-base.txt             |    9 | cliff>=1.4                         |
| requirements          | openstack_requirements/tests/files/upper-constraints.txt   |  192 | cliff===2.4.0                      |
| requirements          | upper-constraints.txt                                      |  216 | cliff===2.11.0                     |
| rpm-packaging         | requirements.txt                                           |   21 | cliff>=2.8.0,!=2.9.0  # Apache-2.0 |

To show the 5 lines before and after the location of the class definition for ConfigOpts in oslo.config using the grep output formatter.

$ beagle search -f grep --context-lines 5 --repo openstack/oslo.config 'class ConfigOpts'
openstack/oslo.config:doc/source/reference/configuration-files.rst:5:The config manager has two CLI options defined by default, ``--config-file``
openstack/oslo.config:doc/source/reference/configuration-files.rst:6:and ``--config-dir``:
openstack/oslo.config:doc/source/reference/configuration-files.rst:8:.. code-block:: python
openstack/oslo.config:doc/source/reference/configuration-files.rst:10:class ConfigOpts(object):
openstack/oslo.config:doc/source/reference/configuration-files.rst:12:        def __call__(self, ...):
openstack/oslo.config:doc/source/reference/configuration-files.rst:14:            opts = [
openstack/oslo.config:doc/source/reference/configuration-files.rst:15:                MultiStrOpt('config-file',
openstack/oslo.config:oslo_config/    def print_usage(self, file=None):
openstack/oslo.config:oslo_config/        self.initialize_parser_arguments()
openstack/oslo.config:oslo_config/        super(_CachedArgumentParser, self).print_usage(file)
openstack/oslo.config:oslo_config/ ConfigOpts(abc.Mapping):
openstack/oslo.config:oslo_config/    """Config options which may be set on the command line or in config files.
openstack/oslo.config:oslo_config/    ConfigOpts is a configuration option manager with APIs for registering
openstack/oslo.config:oslo_config/    option schemas, grouping options, parsing option values and retrieving

To produce links to the source on the OpenStack git server, use the link formatter:

$ beagle --debug search -f link --repo openstack/oslo.config 'class ConfigOpts' : class ConfigOpts(object): : class ConfigOpts(abc.Mapping):

To filter repositories in search results, use the --repo-pattern option.

Example to show which openstack oslo project call the ssl.wrap_socket function:

$ beagle search --ignore-comments -f link --repo-pattern "openstack/oslo.*" 'ssl.wrap_socket' : return ssl.wrap_socket(sock, **ssl_kwargs)  # nosec : @mock.patch("ssl.wrap_socket")

Same research only in the whole openstack projects (will ignore starlingx, etc):

$ beagle search --ignore-comments -f link --repo-pattern "openstack/*" 'ssl.wrap_socket' : ssl.wrap_socket(), which forces SSL to check server certificate against : self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, : self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file, : ssl.wrap_socket if conf specifies cert_file : self.sock = ssl.wrap_socket(self._sock,

OpenStack Client Integration

When the python-openstackclient package and beagle are both installed, it is possible to search the OpenStack source code directly from the openstack command line tool.

$ openstack code search --file '(.*requirement.*|.*constraint.*|setup.cfg|tox.ini)' 'cliff[><=]'

| Repository            | Filename                                                   | Line | Text                               |
| group-based-policy    | test-requirements.txt                                      |   20 | cliff>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0          |
| kolla-kubernetes      | requirements.txt                                           |    6 | cliff>=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0          |
| networking-bigswitch  | test-requirements.txt                                      |    8 | cliff>=1.7.0  # Apache-2.0         |
| networking-brocade    | test-requirements.txt                                      |    6 | cliff>=1.14.0  # Apache-2.0        |
| networking-mlnx       | test-requirements.txt                                      |    6 | cliff>=1.15.0 # Apache-2.0         |
| networking-plumgrid   | test-requirements.txt                                      |    3 | cliff>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0          |
| osops-tools-contrib   | ansible_requirements.txt                                   |    5 | cliff==2.2.0                       |
| paunch                | requirements.txt                                           |    7 | cliff>=2.6.0  # Apache-2.0         |
| rally                 | upper-constraints.txt                                      |   68 | cliff===2.11.0                     |
| requirements          | global-requirements.txt                                    |   21 | cliff>=2.8.0,!=2.9.0  # Apache-2.0 |
| requirements          | openstack_requirements/tests/files/gr-base.txt             |    9 | cliff>=1.4                         |
| requirements          | openstack_requirements/tests/files/upper-constraints.txt   |  192 | cliff===2.4.0                      |
| requirements          | upper-constraints.txt                                      |  216 | cliff===2.11.0                     |
| rpm-packaging         | requirements.txt                                           |   21 | cliff>=2.8.0,!=2.9.0  # Apache-2.0 |